Friday, October 14, 2011

Waiting for Santa Claus

September 24, day 261

Dear Dee,
So tomorrow is the day I have waited for for so long. My daughter and husband and granddaughter are coming to visit. I finally get to meet that little angel. I just received some birthday pictures of her and they brought tears to my eyes--sadness because I couldn't be there and joy because she is so beautiful. What incredible eyes she has. I guess it's touch and go as to whether she will let me hold her as I'm told she's going through a clingy stage. I'll take it slow and see what happens.

Alas, I did not get the job in the Education Department. Never even got to interview for it. I have been told that the Education Department does not hire anyone with charges similar to mine--this was from a former teacher who they also would not hire. So it looks like I will be stuck slinging hash for the foreseeable future. It's a real disappointment because it would have given a sense of meaning and purpose to the time I have to spend here.

The sermon you sent was very timely and of great meaning to me. I only got the first two pages read before we got called to dinner, so I will finish it after I finish this letter. I wish there was some program to deal with addictions. I'm told a former psychologist here proposed some programs for the inmates, but they did not fly.

I am hanging in there. The "one day at a time" thing is getting me through it. But I continue to hope for changes in the sentencing guidelines that might somehow shorten this process. I guess that's a little like waiting for Santa Claus. But in the end, I guess there's nothing wrong with hope.

Thanks again for being there for me. Your loving support means the world to me.

Love, Kent

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